The Brain Harmony Extra Care Session is an opportunity for you to explore in more depth with your Clinician what has been brought into awareness during your BHA session. Where applicable, you may also discuss, explore and practice with your practitioner strategies to support you are you’re starting your Sound Therapy. These strategies will depend on your needs and may include, for example, the practice of grounding or gentle breathwork.

As counter-intuitive as it may sound, sometimes we may feel discomfort after a session. This is absolutely normal and is usually a sign that you are on your way to starting the journey to a better self. The reason is that you have tapped into past memories (i.e. unfinished business) that are resurfacing to be processed. 

The start of the journey may feel a little uncomfortable and this is why you may wish to have the dedicated time and attention of your practitioner to be alongside you and help you with practical strategies.

£150.00 - 60 minutes

Face to Face or scheduled Zoom call option 

To book – or call 03302236553